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Is It Okay For Fathers To Be Emotional?


Source: pixabay.com

When we were kids, we all remember one common thing when we scrape our knees, feel a fever coming, or come across a bully at school: we all go to our mothers. Regardless of our gender, we automatically look for our mothers in situations wherein we need comfort.

It is the way it is because, admittedly, we do not expect fathers to be the emotional one in the family. We usually assume that trait from our mothers while the disciplinarian role is taken on by fathers. For a lot of families, this setup has worked with no problem. After all, we are pre-dispositioned to think and feel that way. But maybe it is also time to finally re-think that.

How Gender Roles Affect Parenting

Men and women communicate and feel things quite differently because of how we were brought up as children. Women are more expressive while men, on the other hand, prefer to keep things passive and brunt.


Source: pixabay.com

Gender arrangements have made it hard for men to adopt the same emotional connection of women because it was severely perceived to be associated with “womanly” things. Even down to family units, this thought had been carried on.

“It is often viewed that it is not okay for boys and men to express or discuss their emotions,” wrote Erlanger A. Turner, PhD.

It is not necessarily a bad thing; it does, however, pose a few issues when it comes to the relationship dynamics with kids. Mainly, kids find themselves too afraid to open up to their dads, and dads feel disconnected from the lives of their kids in return. Even when they do want to be more emotional, they find it hard since they value being a disciplinarian more.

“One-on-one time is the foundation of social-emotional development. In a family we all have roles, but one-on-one we get to be who we are,” says John C. Panepinto, PsyD, LPCS, NCC.

Impact Of Nurturing Fathers

On the contrary, nurturing fathers might be more needed. It helps the family in a variety of ways.

One, it makes children more comfortable with their parents. At an early age, boys are taught to handle emotions wisely, while young girls find security in interacting and confiding in men.

Two, it helps dads to be more engaged with fatherhood. Getting in touch with their emotional side allows them to build a connection with their kids on a deeper level. Additionally, they also tap personal feelings they have never processed before. “They are personally engaged in their children’s lives, interests, dreams and aspirations on a daily basis,” says Athena Staik, PhD.

Third, being more nurturing towards their kids and families fosters a healthy environment where couples can grow in maturity alongside their kids.

However, in truth, it is easier said than done. When you are so used to being uptight and passive with your kids, it is hard to transition into the other side. Nevertheless, in the pursuit to be more nurturing, fathers must first understand and make sense of their own emotions. With that personal understanding, they can slowly start to project this same understanding to their kids. Just like with other things, cultivating this new relationship with kids requires enough time with them—and the right kind of quality time for that matter.


Source: pixabay.com

Fatherhood is a journey of constant learning, and keeping this in mind, we can start raising kids who are more emotionally healthy and happy. Cheers to fathers everywhere!

4 Practical Hobbies For The “Cool” Dad


Source: pixabay.com

Parenting in this century is much more flexible and forgiving. Gone are the days where it’s only women who are expected to be stay-at-home moms for their kids. We’re beginning to see the rise of proud fathers taking on the challenge of being full-time parents. Perhaps their wife is working, or they’re just single dads braving the tides.

With great responsibility comes even greater stress. So for the new dads, single dads, or just dads with time to kill at home, here are some hobbies you can get into so that you don’t lose touch with yourself.


Today, both men and women already belong in the kitchen. Surprisingly enough, a lot of men cook better than any of us expect.

Cooking is a great indoor hobby and an incredible therapy-like activity that doesn’t require a lot of pennies to be spent. It’s also a more economical option rather than eating out daily. Plus, the best thing is squeezing in that extra family time while simultaneously syncing with yourself.


Source: pixabay.com

Treat your wife and your kids (or just yourself) to some hearty home-cooked meal as you get in touch with your inner chef. Visit the grocery, play around with recipes online, and cook your heart out!


The digital age has made connecting with everyone easier. In a way, it has replaced magazines, newspapers, and even books. With that, family blogs are a popular source of lifestyle content for budding families as well as those just looking for tips and motivation. Why not document all your experiences into writing? It can be something as quick and simple as writing a Facebook post on a daily. Not only will you get to share your experiences with your fellow dads, but it will also help alleviate stress from fatherhood.  Who knows, you might be the next model dad!


Being a father certainly takes a toll on your time, but it shouldn’t be a reason for you to forget about your health. Exercising releases a lot of endorphins (or happy hormones) that might be what dads need after a long, tiring week of chores and sleepless nights. Revisit your old days by hitting the gym, running, biking, lifting, or engaging in whatever physical activity it is that you’re most comfortable with. You’ll be surprised by how a 10-minute exercise can kick-start your day. Healthy body, happy daddy!


Similar to exercising, getting into sports is also a fool-proof way to kill time. Hold on: this doesn’t include video games, however.

Get out there, dribble a basketball, hold a badminton racket, or kick a soccer ball if you will. Nowadays, it’s easy to join in local clubs or sports groups near your area. Try to check out your gym too if they offer similar programs. If all goes well, you can even let your kids join you in the future.


Source: pixabay.com

Fatherhood doesn’t have to be all stress, and your hobbies don’t have to break the bank too. Just as being a good dad is important, maintaining a healthy physical, mental, and emotional disposition is equally needed. It keeps dads happy, passionate, and present for their family. Don’t fret; with the hobbies we’ve just recommended, you’re sure to get the balance between me-time and family-time and become the “cool dad” you are.

How To Make Your Business Flourish On Pinterest Even If You’re A Dad

Source: pixabay.com

Pinterest is a social media platform that is admittedly heavily dominated by women. However, their terms of service do not indicate that men cannot join the channel and start making pins for your business. So, your kids and business partners should not feel the need to book you an appointment with a therapist once they find out that you want to become a Pinterest dad.

Isn’t it fun to spend your free time scoping the freshest and most interesting photos ever pinned on Pinterest? When you type a specific keyword on the search box, thousands of images will pop up and give you many ideas about what you can do with your clothes, hair, or birthday party, for instance. While this is from a viewer’s perspective, as a new marketer on the platform, you need to work harder to keep the consumers’ attention focused on your pins. So, what works best on Pinterest?

1. Obtaining Rich Pins

The website does not charge for the usage of Rich Pins, but you should apply for them beforehand. This is a feature that business owners can benefit from because they allow you to add prices, article links, and contact information, among others, along with the photos. Hence, people will know that you are selling something.

2. Pinning On Schedule

Considering there are many things you want to pin daily, posting the entire lot in one go cannot emphasize the value of each product or service. What is highly profitable for the business is to schedule pins at least a day before you want to see them go live. This way, it will not overlap with your other activities, and the consumers will never be fed up with you.

Source: flickr.com

3. Creating Optimized Descriptions

Though Pinterest is a photo-centric platform, the social ranking of your pins can become higher once you create a creative product description for them. Just be sure to keep things diminutive yet on-point since the audiences are somewhat allergic to novella-like explanations. Feel free to utilize keywords that place well in search engines, too.

4. Adding Texts To Pins

Other than the actual pictures, the short texts that are added to them linger longer in the audience’s mind. Besides, this tempts Pinterest users more to share your image(s) to their social media accounts where folks who can relate to your words are usually found.

3 Essential Benefits Of Availing A Pinterest Marketing Package

Considering you are too busy to figure out how the platform works, you should realize that there are agencies that offer Pinterest marketing package. It is not the most budget-friendly way to advertise your business because you have to pay an entire team of experts to manage your pin – that is true. However, it remains practical, in the sense that you will not find yourself with your friends as your only subscribers three months after signing up on Pinterest.

Here are a few benefits of availing a Pinterest marketing package.

Source: pixabay.com

1. Have Professionals Handle The Account

The apparent goal that you want to achieve by reaching out to potential consumers is to pull in higher sales virtually. However, what will happen if you register to a social networking website and begin posting images after images of products without planning things first? The worst-case scenario is that instead of catching the interest of your target audience, they may stay away because of it.

That is why you should get an advertising bundle in which a group of professionals will be at your disposal. These experts fully understand what works and what does not in social media marketing. They can create boards and pins for you, as well as manage the account 24/7.

2. Filter Photos Before Getting Posted

Get a Pinterest marketing package today, and you will never have to worry about poorly taken images getting seen by your beloved customers. Any picture that you like to add in the boards can be edited or watermarked by the marketing team first so that the people who will view them can identify where they have come from as well.

Source: flickr.com

3. Make Your Pins Extra Visible

The platform lets your business to be noticeable in more ways than one. Hashtags can be added along with the photos, as well as links to the main website or articles that point to the brand. Just how this should be done requires much scheming that digital marketers and packages can provide. It is a surefire way to attract more clients, so try not to overlook it.

To Sum Things Up

Being a dad and having an account on Pinterest is not weird at all, especially in the name of the business. The said platform is for everyone who has something creative to share with the world. Create an account on Pinterest today to be able to market your products and services to more people. Good luck!

How To Manage Stress For Better Mental Health

Psychology defines stress as being under heavy pressure. Said pressure can be very different for each person, and different people may have a different perspective on these pressures. Whether it has a typical or a unique source or trigger, it is essential to remember that stress is stress. It can directly impact your mental health, so it is vital to learn how to manage it.

Source: thebluediamondgallery.com

There are several means on how you can manage your stress. One of the best ways to manage stress is to avoid it in the first place. Stay away from the things that bring you stress—be it people, things, places, situations, or anything else. But sometimes, keeping yourself away from these stress activators can be unavoidable. Certain circumstances may make us unable to evade stress and put us under pressure. Here are five ways on how you can manage stress for better mental health.

Get Physical

Indulging in physical activities can help manage your stress. One of the best physical activity that helps in stress management is exercise. Living a lifestyle with an active exercise routine can immensely help not only your physical well-being but also your mental well-being. According to Michael Otto, Ph.D, a professor of psychology at Boston University, “The link between exercise and mood is pretty strong.Usually within five minutes after moderate exercise you get a mood-enhancement effect.”

There is a lot of exercises you can try—be it indoor or outdoor. Find the perfect workout routine for you to get your blood running and help manage your stress. Do not forget that eating healthy goes hand in hand with maintaining a workout routine. Just like exercising, eating healthy also has beneficial effects on your mental health.

Source: pixnio.com

Start A New Hobby

Challenge your brain by trying out something you have never done before. Hobbies are an effective way to relax and unwind your mind. Stimulating your mind with hobbies can help in improving brain functions and lead to overall better mental health. There are also a variety of hobbies you can choose from—gardening, writing, reading, painting, and more. You can also try out hobbies that will increase your social interaction such as volunteering, joining a club, and getting into your local choir, among others. Search for the hobby that is a perfect fit for your interests. If you’ve ever lost yourself in a sport, art project, or other challenging, absorbing activity, you’ve experienced flow. Time flies, self-consciousness disappears, and you are fully immersed in the activity at hand. Hobbies, especially those that stretch our skills, foster this desirable and increasingly elusive state,” explains Jaime L.Kurtz, Ph.D.

Be With Nature

Sometimes all the noise and pollution can be the cause of your stress. One great way to de-stress from your stressful environment is by going away from it and being with nature.

As explained by  Mardie Townsend, PhD, an honorary professor at the School of Health and Social Development at Deakin University in Australia,“there is mounting evidence that contact with nature has significant positive impacts on mental health. “It is associated with reduced levels of stress — which also has huge ramifications for physical health, reduced levels of depression and anxiety, increased resilience, increased engagement with learning for children and adolescents otherwise disengaged from the education system, improved self-esteem and increased capacity to engage socially.” 

You can visit an eco-park and go cycling or take a long walk. Relax and unwind by taking time off the stressful environment you are in. The peace you can find from nature can be a great help in reducing your stress. Exposure to outdoor landscapes can reduce negative feelings, such as anger and fear. It can also lead you to better physical well-being.

Source: pexels.com

Have A Relaxation Routine

If you don’t have the time to be with nature or are unable to, another great way to manage stress is to have your relaxation routine. It can be in the form of yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation, among others. These activities can significantly help in reducing your stress and put you in a relaxed state. Being under stress can cause your body to tense. Having a relaxation routine you can do anytime and anywhere is an effective way to relieve your body of stress immediately.

Stay In Touch

Having meaningful connections with people is vital for a healthy state of mind. We are social beings, after all. Being with people who affect your life positively is very beneficial. Keeping in touch with your family and friends can help de-stress you after a long day. Keep in mind that these people are your support group, and they will be there for you in difficult times.

You can also try socializing with new people. You don’t have to aim for developing a deep friendship immediately. You can try simple socializing such as smiling at other people, having a short conversation with the person next to you, or having friendly banter with the cashier.

Have A Me Time Or No Kids Hour

Being a parent can be stressful. Taking care of your kids 24/7 can take a toll on your mental health. That is why you need to have me time or time alone with your partner without the kids. You deserve a break and your partner probably misses you more than you ever know. Take time off for a date night or just chilling on the couch without the kids.

These are just six out of countless ways you can practice to manage your stress. When putting these tips into action, keep in mind consistency is critical. Having better mental health does not magically happen overnight. Healthy well-being takes time to develop.

The Difference Between Mental Health And Behavioral Health

According to statistic, seven out of ten patients who enter a doctor’s office seek services related to behavioral health. This result is based on a study by the Maine Health Access Foundation (MEHAF). Upon analyzing this data, however, the researchers have found out that people often interchange the terms “mental health” and “behavioral health.” This finding led them to doubt the results of their experiment.

The concept of behavioral started almost over forty years ago. Over time, its underlying meaning began to evolve. It led to the misconception that mental health and behavioral health is the same. There’s are subtle differences between these two, however. Listed below are several critical differences for you to be able to decide what the right kind of care is more apt for your condition.

Defining Mental Health And Behavioral Health

Using the definition from the World Health Organization, mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realized his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community.”

Source: flickr.com

On the other hand, behavioral health refers to the connection between behaviors, physical fitness, and the overall well-being of the mind, spirit, and body. This means that behavioral health is a blanket term which covers a variety of issues including mental health.

“Behavioral health includes not only ways of promoting well-being by preventing or intervening in mental illness such as depression or anxiety, but also has as an aim of preventing or intervening in substance abuse or other addictions,” Elana Premack, LCSW, explains.

For example, a behavioral therapist might look at the factors and behaviors which contribute to a patient’s obesity. This issue is mostly related to physical health. It shows that not all behavioral topics issue under the category of mental health.

“Sometimes, changes in behaviors by the individual, family or even the community and changes in thinking patterns can help people better cope with their mental health conditions,” according to the MEHAF. These kinds of mental health issues are still covered under the behavioral health principles and can still be addressed through the help of a behavioral therapist.

Mental And Behavioral Health Disorders

To give you a clearer picture on how to differentiate these two, here is a short list of the some of the most common disorders under these categories.

Mental Health Disorders

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Schizophrenia

Behavioral Health Disorders

  • Gambling
  • Substance Abuse
  • Sex Addiction
  • Eating Disorders

You might notice that there is a link between behavioral health and mental health and they usually co-occur together. Although negative and unhealthy actions characterize behavioral health disorders, these are not often the root cause of the illness. These disorders typically happen at the same time as that of mental illnesses.

Conversely, mental health conditions can also be impacted by your everyday behaviors such as drinking, overeating, and using drugs. Although many mental health conditions have a biological basis, they are also usually caused by said maladaptive behaviors.

Source: health.mil

For example, people who are experiencing chronic cardiac conditions, diabetes, or any physical disorders often develop depression as well. On the other hand, people who are suffering from psychological illness also display some outward physical signs of disease. This shows how these disorders work hand-in-hand – which makes it difficult to differentiate at the least.

Getting The Right Diagnosis And Treatment

If you are confused about what kind of treatment should you engage yourself in, it is first important to obtain the correct diagnosis for your state. At times, it can be easy for inexperienced care providers to give you a misdiagnosis.

“Completing a program that’s right for you can lower your anxiety, improve your mood, and provide you with skills that you can use as
often as you need them,” says Seth J. Gillihan, Ph.D.

Some treat mental illness with many medications while ignoring the fact that the patient should also change their own bad habits. “Many common physical conditions are related to mental health issues,” says Robert London, MD.

At the same time, some might focus on behavior modification while overlooking its psychiatric conditions. With this in mind, we can consider collaborative care as the most effective approach when treating mental and behavioral treatment.

Source: jtfb.southcom.mil

Collaborative care means employing a team of experts which diagnose and treat a patient’s whole wellbeing. It is a multi-faceted approach which includes medical interventions, group counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, one-on-one sessions, and more. This care is perfect for those who come with a dual diagnosis.

Working with a well-rounded team of professionals will ensure that the patient is receiving the best treatment. This approach will enable you to better engage with your family, continue working or attending school, participate in community activities, and live a fulfilling life of happiness and fulfillment.

Behavioral Health’s Common Misconceptions (Fatherhood Discussion)

We are often afraid of seeking professional help. That’s despite the visible signs and symptoms we somehow experience with mental illness and other health problems. We worry too much on how the world will look at us because we believe things get better over time. But what we didn’t understand is behavioral health’s extreme impact on our lives. We pay no attention to it as soon as we get to recognize it. We know that’s not healthy, but we continue to dive in on its developmental damage. Why is that? Why do we often postpone seeking professional help due to the stigma surrounding mental health conditions?

Misleading Conceptions Of Behavioral Health

Source: pexels.com

It Grows With Violence

It is somehow a stigma that having behavioral health issues mean we become violent. Perhaps that’s because of the news and other incidents that connect mental illness to the adverse scenarios. What’s mind-boggling is the portrayal that “all” criminals have a psychological condition. But the truth is, many people who suffer from the mental state are not at all violent. But even if that’ is the case, the public still believes that individuals with mental health problems are always doing things wrong. It’s a shame, but that’s how society thinks. It is essential to understand that individuals with a mental condition do not always depend on violence. That some of them can smile and laugh, though they get hurt psychologically and mentally.

Mentally Ill Or Mentally Healthy?

A black and white mindset represents the stigma of mental illness. Meaning, as long as we believe that we don’t have any history of any diagnosed mental condition, we are safe from having one. Since there’s no track of problems within our family, then we assume we are healthy. However, the biological factor of having mental issues only plays one role. That’s because external factors exist. That includes the environment we have, and the upbringing we get from someone else’s mental condition. Sometimes, even if we believe we have a great career, a loving wife, beautiful children, and a great family, we can still suffer silently with the mental illness. And that sometimes comes off as a surprise. We wouldn’t’ know we’re having it not until we get to change our ways or develop unwanted behavior that’s usually not there. Sometimes, it can range from mild to severe implications.

“Fathers are struggling and suffering with mental health difficulties at about the same rate as mothers,” says Charles Schaeffer, Ph.D.

Source: pxhere.com

Medication Can Always Fix It

Yes, medication somehow works better with anxiety and depression. However, not all behavioral and mental illnesses get fixed with medication alone. There are better options that can accompany it in the least. People can consider therapy which involves talk sessions with a professional therapist. Individuals can also join support groups or master some self-help techniques such as breathing exercise and meditation. Specific medication may not always be the best solution so it is essential to talk to a health expert about the right options that can work well with the situation. Though there are still some mental conditions that don’t have a cure yet. There are various scientific breakthroughs that people can expect in the modern age today that helps solves some severe conditions. It is important to recognize that behavioral health problem does not and should not become a definition of a person because the process of recovery is achievable.

“Every man will experience and navigate fatherhood differently yet all will struggle with similar psychological challenges on a biochemical, relational, and intrapsychic level,” says Chuck Schaeffer, PH.D. “Through supportive groups, therapy, coaching, and communities we can help new fathers change and heal for the better.”

Source: maxpixel.net

No Maintained Relationship

Another misconception about behavioral or mental health is the issue of maintaining a relationship. It seems to be one of the unacceptable stigmas that ever existed. Yes, some individuals with mental health issues struggle and face a lot of challenges in their life. But that doesn’t mean they can’t handle a relationship. There may be limitations on the things they can socially do, but that doesn’t imply to the majority of individuals with mental illnesses. There are cases that stress and anxiety are the cause of a person’s not-so-motivated attitude. There may be times that these people have unstable feelings too. But it’s not enough reason to conclude that the breakage of the relationship is caused by the psychological problem as others also experience a failed relationship due to other factors.

We are living in a society that instead of providing emotional support to those people with mental illness, we choose to become busy judging them. As a result, we become scared of experiencing the same thing.

“[P]rofessionals like teachers, doctors, health care providers, and family life educators who interact with fathers should not be dismissive of fathers or make automatic assumptions about their parenting skills,” says David J. Bredehoft, Ph.D.

The Dimensions Of A Father’s Contribution To His Children

In every family, a father’s involvement is a priority. It is his role to provide not only for the financial growth of the unit but as well as enhances its overall development. A father also focuses on delivering quality assistance to each of its members to help them reach their potential to become functioning people of the society. Therefore, the three dimensions of the contribution must be strengthened and given importance.

Source: wikimedia.org

It’s essential to measure the father’s decision-making responsibility because it will become the source of the family’s growth. The process is not his alone. All the adjustments and extensive effort must be shared along with his wife, and both of them needs to land an impact on the kid’s developmental process. However, what seems to be the problem with society is their belief in the molding of children. People assume that the mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical well-being is only designated as a motherly task, provided that a father can support the family’s needs.

The Three Dimensions


The first role of a father is to engage with his children. The involvement attempts to measure achievement and impact on kids’ development. However, there are limitations as to where he can contribute positively or negatively every time he is engaging with his kids. There are instances that even though he tells kids’ that he will always be there for them but continue to become inactively present in their lives, it still creates a problem. It damages both the emotional and psychological aspects of the children every time he doesn’t show up and spend time with them. It supports a buildup of loneliness, sadness, guilt, anxiety, and even depression, which by the way are severely harmful to kids when experienced in an early stage.

Source: flickr.com

But as the engagement continues to sustain the relationship, a father will have a chance to pay attention every time his kids are talking, asking questions, and requiring some help. Though a father doesn’t necessarily need to spend time with his kids’ every day, he needs to make sure that special occasions matter a lot. He needs to become relevant at all cost. It is important to note that engagement is a nurturing factor that keeps a parent-children connection.


People often focus on the role of a father. They know what a father is capable of doing for the benefit of his whole family. Unfortunately, not all dads are capable of engaging with their children due to significant factors. These include an overtime work in the office, busy errands in the house, a lot of meetings, achievement issues, marital problems, and the list goes on. With that, there should always be a part where a father sets availability for his kids even if they are not directly interacting or communicating with him.

One way to bridge the gap between a father and children relationship is through communication. That is where both create connection and access to each others’ lives. Once there is a secured and healthy discussion of how to handle an exchange of conversation, then accessibility will enclose an emotional bond which is beneficial for children’s growth and development. Though some may misinterpret accessibility to physical presence, the emotional health is still the primary focus of the dimension.

Source: flickr.com


While all the three dimensions are essential in providing fatherly assistance to children, the responsibility takes a lot of portion when it comes to keeping the balance in the unit. That’s because it contains complicated situations that emphasize decision-making ability. It concerns the role of a father where it tackles his stand being a parent. It correctly handles and organizes the children’s everyday lives. His participation in the kids’ learning is a must. There should be an interest in responsible-mindedness that ensures significant factors that help children in all areas of development. These include securing positive and kid-friendly atmosphere at home. A father’s concern is always the maintenance of peace and order inside the unit. It will not only make the members aware of each of their roles, but it also helps them understand the importance of the individual contribution to society.

Along with all the discipline and rules that a father must impose, his assistance on nurturing the children’s skills is also his responsibility. There must be an encouragement and motivation that make them believe in their selves. It is a requirement for every single father to never allow frustration, agitation, and mental degradation in their kids. He must keep children away from danger, bad influences, and emotional turmoil, and psychological damage. Because when there is a positive and healthy outlook on kids’ lives, a family can keep the unit altogether.

Fatherhood is indeed a tiring and frustrating task. However, the whole process of impacting children’s lives is one of the most fulfilling achievements anyone can ever get.

For A Husband: Dating Tips You Need To Know

Enjoying a cup of coffee at a local shop, eating at a fancy restaurant in the city, joining a fun run together and volunteering for a charity event are just some of the fun date ideas that you could share with your loved one. Going out on dates, regardless of how simple or fancy it is, is essential for the success of a marriage. Just because you have already settled down with your wife does not mean that you no longer need to invest on dates.


Source: pixabay.com


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5 Reasons Why You Should Put Your Wife First Before The Kids

Source: pixabay.com


Once a couple has kids, they tend to pour everything to them, leaving the spouse feel neglected at times. You think your wife is okay with being the last priority since she loves the kids immeasurably, and she would probably tell you’re doing great. However, she does not know she needs your love and attention more because eventually, she will feel worthless and that no one thinks about her.


As much as it is admirable to love the kids and make them a priority, you must put your wife first before them. It could be somewhat odd as you both know the welfare of the kids is your first concern, but you have to do it.


Source: pixabay.com


Here Are The 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Put Your Wife Before The Kids:


  1. Your Wife Is The One You Chose


You did not choose your parents nor your kids. The only person you chose to spend the rest of your life is your wife. You must uphold your vow when you married her – to take care of her… until death.” Making her feel loved and worthy is vital to her mental health. She is naturally sensitive, and she may not know it, but your attention is what she needs the most.


  1. Your Wife Is Your Partner


The only way to make sure that you both fulfill your duties to your family is to feel great about your marriage. The kids will notice that you or your wife is unhappy, and this is not emotionally healthy for them. There’s also a big chance that you or your wife will feel irritable all the time, and that is not taking care of the kids or anyone for that matter.


  1. Your Wife Needs It


She may say otherwise, but she needs your love and attention badly. Yes, she loves the kids to the moon and back, but the reason why she gets exhausted eventually is because no one takes care of her. If anyone in the family gets sick, your wife is the nurse, but who takes care of her when she’s sick? She would probably feel worthless and unloved, and this is harmful to her health.


  1. Your Kids Need To See What Marriage Is


You are the two people whom your children get their values from, and wherever they go, they will always behave based on how they learned at home. Making your wife a priority and taking care of her will make them realize what husbands should be doing. For your son, he will learn how to treat his future wife, and for your daughter, she will know a woman’s worth.


  1. It Will Be Only You And Your Wife In The End


When the kids are all grown up, it will be just you and your wife, and your happiness will depend on the memories you made. Give her reasons to smile and be happy even more. Besides, you would very much prefer if she’d be thanking you all the time for how you made her feel loved than to hear her complain how worthless she felt throughout your marriage.


Source: pixabay.com


If you think parenting is hard, marriage is a lot difficult. Being a parent is an instinct, and kids are easy to understand, but when it comes to your spouse, it is much more complicated. It may not seem it, but the mother of your children need the most love from you because she is the one who needs to give more to the family.
