5 Reasons Why You Should Put Your Wife First Before The Kids

Source: pixabay.com


Once a couple has kids, they tend to pour everything to them, leaving the spouse feel neglected at times. You think your wife is okay with being the last priority since she loves the kids immeasurably, and she would probably tell you’re doing great. However, she does not know she needs your love and attention more because eventually, she will feel worthless and that no one thinks about her.


As much as it is admirable to love the kids and make them a priority, you must put your wife first before them. It could be somewhat odd as you both know the welfare of the kids is your first concern, but you have to do it.


Source: pixabay.com


Here Are The 5 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Put Your Wife Before The Kids:


  1. Your Wife Is The One You Chose


You did not choose your parents nor your kids. The only person you chose to spend the rest of your life is your wife. You must uphold your vow when you married her – to take care of her… until death.” Making her feel loved and worthy is vital to her mental health. She is naturally sensitive, and she may not know it, but your attention is what she needs the most.


  1. Your Wife Is Your Partner


The only way to make sure that you both fulfill your duties to your family is to feel great about your marriage. The kids will notice that you or your wife is unhappy, and this is not emotionally healthy for them. There’s also a big chance that you or your wife will feel irritable all the time, and that is not taking care of the kids or anyone for that matter.


  1. Your Wife Needs It


She may say otherwise, but she needs your love and attention badly. Yes, she loves the kids to the moon and back, but the reason why she gets exhausted eventually is because no one takes care of her. If anyone in the family gets sick, your wife is the nurse, but who takes care of her when she’s sick? She would probably feel worthless and unloved, and this is harmful to her health.


  1. Your Kids Need To See What Marriage Is


You are the two people whom your children get their values from, and wherever they go, they will always behave based on how they learned at home. Making your wife a priority and taking care of her will make them realize what husbands should be doing. For your son, he will learn how to treat his future wife, and for your daughter, she will know a woman’s worth.


  1. It Will Be Only You And Your Wife In The End


When the kids are all grown up, it will be just you and your wife, and your happiness will depend on the memories you made. Give her reasons to smile and be happy even more. Besides, you would very much prefer if she’d be thanking you all the time for how you made her feel loved than to hear her complain how worthless she felt throughout your marriage.


Source: pixabay.com


If you think parenting is hard, marriage is a lot difficult. Being a parent is an instinct, and kids are easy to understand, but when it comes to your spouse, it is much more complicated. It may not seem it, but the mother of your children need the most love from you because she is the one who needs to give more to the family.