Behavioral Health’s Common Misconceptions (Fatherhood Discussion)

We are often afraid of seeking professional help. That’s despite the visible signs and symptoms we somehow experience with mental illness and other health problems. We worry too much on how the world will look at us because we believe things get better over time. But what we didn’t understand is behavioral health’s extreme impact on our lives. We pay no attention to it as soon as we get to recognize it. We know that’s not healthy, but we continue to dive in on its developmental damage. Why is that? Why do we often postpone seeking professional help due to the stigma surrounding mental health conditions?

Misleading Conceptions Of Behavioral Health


It Grows With Violence

It is somehow a stigma that having behavioral health issues mean we become violent. Perhaps that’s because of the news and other incidents that connect mental illness to the adverse scenarios. What’s mind-boggling is the portrayal that “all” criminals have a psychological condition. But the truth is, many people who suffer from the mental state are not at all violent. But even if that’ is the case, the public still believes that individuals with mental health problems are always doing things wrong. It’s a shame, but that’s how society thinks. It is essential to understand that individuals with a mental condition do not always depend on violence. That some of them can smile and laugh, though they get hurt psychologically and mentally.

Mentally Ill Or Mentally Healthy?

A black and white mindset represents the stigma of mental illness. Meaning, as long as we believe that we don’t have any history of any diagnosed mental condition, we are safe from having one. Since there’s no track of problems within our family, then we assume we are healthy. However, the biological factor of having mental issues only plays one role. That’s because external factors exist. That includes the environment we have, and the upbringing we get from someone else’s mental condition. Sometimes, even if we believe we have a great career, a loving wife, beautiful children, and a great family, we can still suffer silently with the mental illness. And that sometimes comes off as a surprise. We wouldn’t’ know we’re having it not until we get to change our ways or develop unwanted behavior that’s usually not there. Sometimes, it can range from mild to severe implications.

“Fathers are struggling and suffering with mental health difficulties at about the same rate as mothers,” says Charles Schaeffer, Ph.D.


Medication Can Always Fix It

Yes, medication somehow works better with anxiety and depression. However, not all behavioral and mental illnesses get fixed with medication alone. There are better options that can accompany it in the least. People can consider therapy which involves talk sessions with a professional therapist. Individuals can also join support groups or master some self-help techniques such as breathing exercise and meditation. Specific medication may not always be the best solution so it is essential to talk to a health expert about the right options that can work well with the situation. Though there are still some mental conditions that don’t have a cure yet. There are various scientific breakthroughs that people can expect in the modern age today that helps solves some severe conditions. It is important to recognize that behavioral health problem does not and should not become a definition of a person because the process of recovery is achievable.

“Every man will experience and navigate fatherhood differently yet all will struggle with similar psychological challenges on a biochemical, relational, and intrapsychic level,” says Chuck Schaeffer, PH.D. “Through supportive groups, therapy, coaching, and communities we can help new fathers change and heal for the better.”


No Maintained Relationship

Another misconception about behavioral or mental health is the issue of maintaining a relationship. It seems to be one of the unacceptable stigmas that ever existed. Yes, some individuals with mental health issues struggle and face a lot of challenges in their life. But that doesn’t mean they can’t handle a relationship. There may be limitations on the things they can socially do, but that doesn’t imply to the majority of individuals with mental illnesses. There are cases that stress and anxiety are the cause of a person’s not-so-motivated attitude. There may be times that these people have unstable feelings too. But it’s not enough reason to conclude that the breakage of the relationship is caused by the psychological problem as others also experience a failed relationship due to other factors.

We are living in a society that instead of providing emotional support to those people with mental illness, we choose to become busy judging them. As a result, we become scared of experiencing the same thing.

“[P]rofessionals like teachers, doctors, health care providers, and family life educators who interact with fathers should not be dismissive of fathers or make automatic assumptions about their parenting skills,” says David J. Bredehoft, Ph.D.