Significance Of A Father’s Influence

While almost anyone can make a baby and create a life, not everyone can take the role of a father and stick around in a child’s life. Just like mothers, fathers’ roles are vital in the development of a child’s emotional and mental well-being.


According to Dr. David Popenoe, co-director of the National Marriage Project, fathers are far more than just “second adults” in the home. Biological fathers who are more involved with their children provide care and benefits that no other person can offer. They are the ones who extend protection and act as an ideal male role model for their children.

Influence Of A Father To A Child’s Development

  1. Cognitive Development

Fathers who are more hands-on to their children’s academic and learning process administer a sense of well-being and self-confidence. For example, children with fathers who have a better educational background tend to do better in school. Communication between a father and a child also results in a more expansive vocabulary and more complex language skills.

Fathers are also more likely to challenge their children to try new things. When faced with this, children tend to believe in their capabilities to tackle difficult situations. “We found that fathers who are involved with their children have children with fewer problems,” says Maureen Black, PhD.

  1. Emotional And Social Development

How a father treats their children influence their social and emotional development. Children might adopt the way their father talks to them and treats them. “Our first attachment patterns shape our expectations for future attachments.” explains Jennifer Kromberg PsyD. “So a woman’s early relationship with dad, who is usually the first male object of her love, shapes her conscious and unconscious perceptions of what she can expect and what is acceptable in a romantic partner (for heterosexual women).” Fathers who engage with their child’s hobbies and interests results in a socially competent personality. At the same time, these children are most likely to have a better ability to build friendships and control their emotions.

Children with involved fathers can improve how they tolerate stress and frustration, are better at problem-solving and have better control over their impulses. According to Ditta M. Oliker Ph.D. “The influence of a father’s involvement extends into adolescence and young adulthood.”

  1. Mother–Father Relationship

A father’s influence does not stop with how they treat their children. How a husband treats his wife dramatically affects his relationship with his children too. When both are in a peaceful, healthy marriage, fathers are probably more involved in childcare responsibilities and have better relationships with their kids. Men who are committed to their marriages are usually committed to everything that goes with it, especially children.

Ways In Which Fathers Can Show Their Influence

  • Communication
  • Education
  • Observation
  • Engaging in thought processes
  • Ability to provide
  • Affection
  • Protection
  • Emotional support
  • Love language
  • Engaging in their child’s activities/hobbies
  • Simply being available

Not all fathers can commit to the level of involvement they’d like to have. Despite life circumstances, challenging situations, or other factors, fathers can still provide a positive and nurturing influence in their children’s lives with proper support and understanding.

Both fathers and mothers have different styles of parenting. It makes the role of the fathers as crucial as that of the mothers because they can provide a feeling of security, both physically and emotionally.

In a more general sense, fathers need to understand that their kids are always watching them and whatever action they take matters. Being a good father is not only about being present but also genuinely caring for his children and inculcating good behavior in them.